Get Clarity, Reconnect with Your Higher Self and Inner Voice.

An intuitive reading will help open your eyes to what both hinders and supports you in life,
and can provide answers to the questions in your heart. 

Using a variety of tools, I can help you to attune with your Spiritual Self and open back up to your intuition.

My goal is to help you feel grounded, in the present, clear of cords and outdated contracts,
released from past relationships and hindrances, clear of outside energy and
empowered to take the steps to living the life of your dreams.

Whether you are working on healing from this life, a past life or on an ancestral level,
I can support you getting to the roots of the issue with energy healing.  

My mission is to help you find your way to a gentle awakening
and to assist you as you take back your power in your life.

about me

Do you feel stuck, blocked, or confused about your next steps? 

I felt that way for many years, lacking direction, lacking purpose, and suffering from depression. I tried many things to heal myself from feeling disconnected and defeated. Once I connected with my Inner Awareness, I found the answers and peace I longed for. 

I help people find and heal their own stuck places, to face their shadows and reveal their inner light. I completed the Clairvoyant Training Program at Psychic Horizons in San Francisco, the Sound Healing Certificate Program at Globe Sound Healing Institute as well as the 200 hour yoga teacher training at Laughing Lotus Yoga.

As an Intuitive Guide, I can help you reconnect with your Higher Self and Inner Voice to support your personal growth and find continued calm in the chaos of life.

I am clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, a medium and can channel wisdom from the Archangels and Ascended Masters. 

Connecting with your Higher Self is the first step in our journey together. I will then look at your aura, chakras and energy bodies for the stories you are carrying energetically and help to release them.

I will share psychic insights about your past, present and possible future. 

With the insights gained in a reading, you can begin to rewrite your story, stepping into a space where you can feel your most empowered self. 

I have known that I am sensitive to energy since I was a teenager. In my 20’s I began what has been a lifelong pursuit of personal healing and growth. I continue to dig deep into my personal history to release what holds me back, and I am passionate about finding what lies beneath the surface and gently revealing truth from it. 

I provide the courage it takes to face our stuckness and meet it head on. And I have witnessed again and again that the answers are within. 

I offer this healing work because of how stuck I felt in my own life and am aligned with Spirit to support you.

​I offer 1:1 intuitive readings, group meditations, and classes on specific topics.

Contact me to learn more.


  • In an Intuitive Reading, we will connect with your Higher Self to get to the root of the issue and work on healing from there. As a multi-dimensional Intuitive I am able to access information on many levels. My reading style encompasses a number of techniques. I am psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant, a medium and a channel. While I do not predict the future, I can look at the possible outcomes and see what you are aligned with. I can also see what you are holding in your energetic space, get insights from it and release it. My biggest interest in healing is getting you grounded, in present time, clear of cords and outdated contracts, free of stuck emotions and stagnant energy, and empowered to take steps to living the life of your dreams.

    Whether you are working on issues from this lifetime, a past life, family/ancestral healing, healing from trauma or abuse, grief and loss, opening to deeper spirituality, having parenting and/or relationship issues, career shifts, contemplating a move, finding your voice, wanting to connect with a passed-over loved one, or simply need support taking steps forward in your life.

    Book Now

  • In an Intuitive Reading we will connect with your Higher Self to get to the root of the issue, and work on healing from there. As a multi-dimensional Intuitive I am able to access information on many levels. My reading style encompasses a number of techniques. I am psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient, claircognizant, a medium and a channel. While I do not predict the future, I can look at the possible outcomes and see what you are aligned with. I can also see what you are holding in your energetic space, get insights from it and release it. My biggest interest in healing is getting you grounded, in present time, clear of cords and outdated contracts, free of stuck emotions and stagnant energy, and empowered to take steps to living the life of your dreams.

    Whether you are working on issues from this lifetime, a past life, family/ancestral healing, healing from trauma or abuse, grief and loss, opening to deeper spirituality, having parenting and/or relationship issues, career shifts, contemplating a move, finding your voice, wanting to connect with a passed-over loved one, or simply need support taking steps forward in your life.

    Book Now

  • What is Shadow Work? (from : “Working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress and hide from yourself. This can include trauma or parts of your personality that you subconsciously consider undesirable.”

    Join me for a new offering to look into your own shadow. We will bring the light of our awareness to these lost parts of ourselves that are hidden in our shadow, and invite them back into the whole for integration. I have found the deepest blocks I am looking to overcome have been rooted in my shadow. And the more bravely I inquire and face my shadow, the more liberation I experience.

    It is very powerful work, and I have created a safe and loving container to explore this work in.

    In doing this work, you can begin to reclaim lost or abandoned parts of yourself. In shadow work, we may be looking at experiences in this lifetime, or those brought forward from a past life or lives, or on an ancestral level. These can be from subconscious or unconscious blocks.

    Often these pieces revealed are hidden by the unconscious mind. Once we locate this energy or lost part of you, we can bring it back into the whole.

    A tremendous amount of healing happens when we take this journey of integration.

    I invite you to join me for a focused Shadow Work session.

    I have been doing this work with the aid of Hecate (the Greek goddess of the night, magic, the moon and more), who I worked with on the Ancestral Energy Healing Series.

    Book Now

    "I just had such a wonderful and insightful session with Kim! I’ve been feeling really stuck and not knowing why but had a feeling like there were some hidden things from my childhood that needed to be addressed. We did some shadow work, and with her guidance, I was able to do some deep inquiry and free some lost parts of myself. This type of work could be hard, sad or overwhelming but she walked me through the process with ease and grace. Things feel SO much clearer and lighter now, and I feel inspired for the first time in months!! Thank you so much Kim and Hecate!!"

    J.C., Oakland, CA

  • Connecting with your ancestral line is deeply healing and powerful - for YOU, for those who have come before us, as well as those who will come after. This workshop is open to anyone, including those who may or may not have a relationship with ancestor work already.

    In my work, I discovered that some of my ancestor’s energy had not returned to Source. Our ancestor’s energy can be trapped on the earth plane for any number of reasons - they may have perished in war, from a sudden death, from oaths or vows, from the burning times, from displacement or simply not realizing they haven’t crossed over. We have so many examples of this taking place on the planet right now - like war, natural disasters and the pandemic to name a few reasons.

    In the first hour of this workshop we will connect with our maternal grandparents, and go through a process to support the releasing of any of your ancestral energy there to return to Source. In the second hour, we will connect with our paternal grandparents and walk through the same process.

  • In this signature series, we will go deep with the services I offer in a series of four sessions. In an individual reading we can typically focus on one or two issues, and on one or two healing modalities. In this series of four sessions, we will go deep with the full complement of healing modalities I offer. We will dig in to the roots of your blockages, and look for the origin. Let’s get you back in alignment with your Inner Light, your Inner Voice, and your Higher Wisdom.  

    Reach out for me information:


  • Have you ever stepped into a location and sensed an unsettling energy? Whether it’s your own home, your workplace, a restaurant, a bar, a doctor’s office, or even an airport, sometimes those lingering negative energies can affect us.

    Were you aware that I specialize in energy clearing for individuals and spaces? I offer energy clearing services for private homes, businesses, and public areas. If you feel like you’ve absorbed any unwanted energy, perhaps from a doctor’s office or another public place, I can help clear that for you.

    You have the option to book a thirty-minute quick cleanout or a more thorough hour-long cleanout session with me.

    Book 60 min Energy Clearing

    Book 30 min Energy Clearing


Host a tarot reading salon for your friends! 

If you are in the Bay Area, I am available for tarot reading parties. The Tarot can help in opening your eyes to what both hinders and supports you in life, and can provide answers to the questions in your heart. If you would like to host a group of friends and have everyone receive a 15-20 minute reading let’s chat. I’ve done this for birthday parties, bridal shower/bachelorette parties, halloween parties, in-store events and corporate events. It’s a fun way to gather with friends and add insight into the mix. Message me for info!


Voice: (415) 322-9215
San ‬Francisco, CA

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 2pm-7pm PT
Saturday appointments available by request.

All sessions via Google Meet

Questions about a intuitive reading or group meditation?

Send me a message!