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Next session will be online:
Saturday May 18, 2024 
10:30am PDT
Register Here














Join me for a two-hour *in-person* workshop in San Francisco to connect with our roots, offer healing to our ancestors, and experience a shift in your own life through ancestor healing.  


My name is Kim Quinones, I am an Intuitive Guide and Mystic. I have been focusing on ancestral healing in my personal healing practice - connecting with those that came before me, and those that made it possible for me to be here now.  And I am excited to share this work with you during the fall season when we can more easily connect to and work with our ancestors. 


Connecting with your ancestral line is deeply healing and powerful - for YOU and for those who have come before us, as well as those who will come after. This workshop is open to anyone, including those who may or may not have a relationship with ancestor work already. 


In my work, I discovered that some of my ancestor’s energy had not returned to Source. Our ancestor’s energy can be trapped on the earth plane for any number of reasons - they may have perished in war, from a sudden death, from oaths or vows, from the burning times, from displacement or simply not realizing they haven’t crossed over. We have so many examples of this taking place on the planet right now - like war, natural disasters and the pandemic to name a few reasons.


In the first hour of this workshop, we will connect with our maternal grandparents and go through a process to support the releasing of any of your ancestral energy there to return to Source. In the second hour, we will connect with our paternal grandparents and walk through the same process.


I have made connections with my ancestral guides from each branch of my lineages, maternal and paternal, and have noticed a deeper inner strength as I feel them walk beside me now.​


In each generation, our ancestral count doubles - starting with two parents, four grandparents and expanding to over a million if we go back twenty generations. If one percent or even .01 percent of our ancestral energy is stuck here on the earth plane that is a large number.


As a result of this work, I’ve opened up energetically to a whole new realm of allies and guides and can feel the presence and love of these lost relatives with me now cheering me on in this work. It is powerful and a potent shift from before I did this ancestral healing.


This workshop is intended for our Ancestor’s peace and well-being, as well as our own. It is to allow our Ancestors to finally be at rest. It will free us and our descendants (whether you have children, or your siblings or other relatives do) of any imprints left behind from their struggles. It will help clear the earth plane and allow your Ancestor’s to return to Source. Listen here to a recording of the free intro workshop I offered about this work.


Next session will be online:
Saturday March 23, 2024 
10:30am PST










Here is what past participants have to say about the Ancestral Energy Healing Series:

"I am so glad I decided to give myself and my ancestors the gift of experiencing Kim's Ancestral Energy Healing series online this year. I was skeptical about the online format at first, but Kim's ability to ground me and the group was soon evident and I was able to drop into a sacred space easily. This type of journey was new to me and I found that once I was grounded and open, my ancestors were right there, as if they'd been waiting for this portal.


It was fascinating to me how each grandparent's line revealed themselves with a different vibe, texture, and pace. After the series and since, I have noticed a clearing, like a shedding of weight along with a new curiosity for what is now possible and available in the space where the unconscious and unspoken heaviness once occupied. I notice I am able to be more present and I have taken my learnings to individual therapy to continue working on more clearing which has slowly allowed my true being to reveal itself, unencumbered by intergenerational trauma."

A. R., Berkeley, CA


“The ancestral series provided a deep clearing for me. I traveled with loved ones long past and felt their love shimmer in my heart. 
When we did the clearing on my fathers side, I learned things about my family's past that put a lot into context. It was like a weight had lifted. Where I once felt tension, I replaced it with compassion.  That compassion is with me, even now. One of my favorite aspects of the calls was being able to visit ancestors that had long passed. And some I met for the first time! That sense of love and togetherness is still with me, and I learned that I could use tools within myself to be more present with my loved ones who are no longer on this earth. 


Take the journey with Kim, and visit the ones who brought you here. I can overestimate how cool it is to walk arm and arm with relatives who aren't here physically. This series is like being in a historical documentary of your own life. Your long lost relatives are the cast members. You get to reunite with great grandparents and all the people who came before.”

L.A., Oakland, CA


Registration Now Open

The Investment -   $111



Scholarships are available based on need. Please email me for details.


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